The Real Reason I Didn’t Participate In #BellLetsTalk This Year

BY: KELLIE ANDERSON Let me start this off by saying: my decision not to participate in #BellLetsTalk this year was just that – a decision. Not a protest. Not a political stance. But a choice. And just because I didn’t participate does mean that I don’t applaud every person who bravely spoke their truth in…

The Reason I’m Empowered Is Also The Reason I’m Depressed

BY: KELLIE ANDERSON I’m struggling. Yes, I do feel empowered and inspired each time I hear that another brave woman has come forward to share her story of abuse, assault, or harassment. However, I can’t help but to also feel sad. To feel angry. To feel hurt. To feel scared. To feel hopeless. To feel…

Being Your Own Advocate

 BY: CAYLEE ORTIZ Being your own Advocate.               A Tribute to Silence is Violence. Abuse. Ignorance. Assault. Denial. Suicide. A few buzz words we have been seeing all too often lately. This post will be heavy, but one I feel very passionate about. Advocacy. Support. Recovery. Resilience. Survivors. Seek Support….

Feed All Three

BY: CAYLEE ORTIZ As humans we most often forget that we are not simply composed of organs and bones. As we forget this we ignore or neglect the other two parts that when combined, truly make us a “being”. If that is even what we are. The First. – Your Vessel. This is your body,…

Self Improvement VS. Self Diagnosed Imperfections

BY: CAYLEE ORTIZ Self improvement, vs Self diagnosed imperfections. We live in a demanding- ever changing world. There is always something or someone else to compare to. Always somewhere to be, always something to do. We have no room for us. We must make room for us. Human beings for the most part have this…

A Morning In The Life of My Two Demons

BY: GEORGE DAVIS My two demons, morning of 9/27/17. 10:30 AM. Working on my Shopify store. 10:45 AM. Stumble across an email related to customer feedback. Find a cool app, install it. 10:55 AM. Find that my product page is now broken, and clicking product colors opens up like two hundred tabs of the same…

Conquering Demons

BY: ALICIA MOSLEY We all fight demons. Everyone fights different ones but I believe these battles we go through are what make us strong. Some of us fight demons of addiction or loneliness, or broken families and fear. Some demons come in forms of sickness or mental illness. These demons of mental illness are especially…

The Monster vs The Warrior 

BY: CAYLEE ORTIZ The journey of self-discovery & self-love is no easy feat if you are willing to completely commit to it. If you allow your discovery to consume you, you will find moments of complete darkness. Moments in which you don’t like what you see. Can’t control what you think. Your body becomes not…

A Catharsis To Begin My 23rd Year Of Life

BY: KELLIE ANDERSON I’m in a strange place. Not literally – the cozy den that houses my vanity (which doubles as a desk right now) and most of my clothing is hardly strange – although potentially excessive. No. I’m in a strange place because in my 22nd year of life I think I figured out…