Self Improvement VS. Self Diagnosed Imperfections


Self improvement, vs Self diagnosed imperfections.

We live in a demanding- ever changing world. There is always something or someone else to compare to.

Always somewhere to be, always something to do.

We have no room for us.

We must make room for us.

Human beings for the most part have this natural instinct to both protect ourselves and to thrive. As society changes, we change, we adapt. Expectations change, rules change. A foundation of once set in stone societal norms has grown to be so large it is hard to keep up. It has come to the point that we no longer look for areas in which we can improve, but we find areas of imperfection. And we hide them- we let them diminish our dreams or ideas.

Self improvement should not be based upon the opinion of others, the latest trend, acceptance, or the need to find and fit the mold that has been so carefully placed in our minds-we didn’t even see it coming.

Self improvement is not about the sole dictionary definition of improvement. It’s about being aware of how you treat yourself, how you treat others and how you treat your home. Being mindful of these things and improving our views. Is self improvement- leading to a healthier life.

Do you appreciate yourself?

Value yourself?

Are you kind?

Are you grateful? Thankful for your blessings? The small things.

Self improvement is a positive thing.

It is not a time to beat yourself up or be hard on yourself for feeling overwhelmed or burdened by life’s curveballs.

Self improvement is a tool. To help us heal from the inside out.

To conquer the anxiety,

To accept our differences,

To accept ourselves- our dark and light spots

To accept the fact that no being is perfect and that perfection is nothing but a false branch of hope-hanging from the tree of deception.

Self improvement is not self diagnosed imperfection.

I say self diagnosed as we are the hardest on ourselves. It is our voice in our head telling us at times that we are not good enough. That we should have been faster, could have been better, should have done this, should have done that. The voice that does not build you up but beats you up. That voice- can be overshadowed by the voice of self improvement.

I am enough, I am strong, I am capable, I am allowed dark days as there will always be a brighter one around the corner. I am strong.

Self improvement should make you feel as if you are growing- mentally, physically, spiritually. Your choice.

Self improvement could be taking the time to slow down- taking the time to eat better- to live better- to love harder-

You know yourself best, your capabilities, your dreams, it’s Your choice.

We are not meant to stop growing just as we are not meant to simply pay the bills and die.

Don’t take this as you need to move across the world, or make some altering life change in order to “grow”.

That is merely the definition of growing according to books, blogs, articles and papers. All of which apply to the person who has/is doing it. To each their own. I truly admire anyone’s journey of self improvement- feeding their souls- igniting their passion, chasing the beauty in the world.

These are all aspects of self improvement as they provide for uplifting experiences, filling pages in your book of life. They allow for a beautiful life.

Do not look in the mirror and see your imperfections. If you do not love your reflection start with improving how you see yourself rather than instantly hiding or filtering what you consider imperfect, what society has told us is imperfect.

Self-improvement. For me is a lot about self love and spreading love. It’s giving yourself a chance, giving other’s a chance. Giving yourself a break and embracing your passion- supporting a friend’s passion. It’s about being the person you “wish” you could be. Self-improvement for me, has become my mindfulness compass and I hope you each can see the beauty in yourselves and the chances you have the courage to take.

Love always,

From Me to You
@cayortiz (Instagram)

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