Selective Mutism; A Battle With Silence, In Silence.

BY: CHARLOTTE IRONS Wispy little flames dance around my lungs. Smoke laced inside my chest like innocent decorations. Yet the embellishments are celebrating that I didn’t speak today. My silence is a fire. Raging. Burning my insides. The fire itself is silent. You don’t hear the crackling cacophony as my unspoken words are engulfed. You…

You Are A Candle

BY: EMMA PRATT You’ve pushed yourself to the point of breaking. You’ve put your blinders on and you can’t see anything other than your pain. You told yourself it would be different this time and that never again would you allow yourself to get to this point; yet here you are. Burnt out. When we…

An Open Letter Of Thanks To My Friends

BY: EMMA PRATT Dear friends, I want to start this off by saying that I am a handful. There are times that I honestly can’t even imagine being friends with myself. I am aware that I am far from the easiest person to be in a friendship with, and I wanted to explain how thankful…

The Over-Abundance of Self-Stigma

BY: FRANKiE PENN If you have any type of mental disorder/illness, you are probably very aware of the social stigma that comes along with your diagnosis. It can be hurtful to hear some of the ignorant thoughts people come up with. I recently had this experience with someone I’ve known for a long time. This…

Surf’s Up

BY: EMMA PRATT “Ride the wave. One day it will be over.” The world is an ocean. It is wide, vast, and infinite. Sometimes I feel like we get thrown into this ocean of a world with no tools, no lessons, and no metaphoric flotation devices. Just like an ocean, the world has incoming and…

You Can’t Love Yourself Until You Like Yourself

BY: EMMA PRATT Over the past four months, I have been on a journey to self love. I am sort of considering this to be an extension/the next chapter of my eating disorder recovery, and let me tell you it has been anything but easy. I’ve engaged in some wonderful communities through social media and…

Are You a Cheerleader or a Bully?

BY: GABRIELLA CACCIATORE Are you are cheerleader or a bully? I am a survivor of incestuous sexual abuse by more than one family member. I started recovering repressed memories on January 3rd 2017 at 9:55am. I suffer from Complex PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Body Dysmorphia, Dissociation and more depending on the day. I’ve gone to several doctors…

Low is Low

BY: EMMA PRATT Have you ever thought about the negative thought processes you engage in? I have, and what I’ve discovered about myself was pretty saddening.  About three or four months ago, my depression and anxiety had become simply unmanageable. My bedroom was filthy, I was washing my hair maybe once every two weeks, I…

My Thoughts On ‘To the Bone’

BY: EMMA PRATT Netflix originals seem to be all about the controversy lately! From 13 Reasons Why (I have not and will not watch this), and now with the new release of To the Bone. While I applaud Netflix for having the metaphoric balls to tackle some difficult subject matter, To the Bone has left me with more…

The Self Care Paradigm

BY: EMMA PRATT Have you heard the term self care? What does it mean to you? Do you think of face masks, shopping, pedicures, and bubble baths? Do you think of seemingly simple things, like brushing your hair, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, going to the doctor, or doing laundry? Chances are, when you hear the…